Standard Korean Study Materials for Middle School Students 2 (English ver.) (중학생을 위한 표준 한국어 2)
Author : The National Institute of the Korean Language
Book page : 232 pages
Supplement : Audio CD
About This Book

Standard Korean Study Materials for Middle School Students 2 is designed to help adolescent migrants whose mother language is not Korean to better understand regular school curriculums, while also helping to foster more natural communication skills through exposure to the Korean language and culture. The structure of the book allows students to improve all four areas of language competence, i.e., speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and advanced school curriculum content.

Designed for middle school student learners of Korean, this book contains a total of 16 lessons, beginning with a lesson on the Korean alphabet. It aims to help students better understand the situations and terminology often encountered during school life and in the classroom, using examples and illustrations.

The lessons introduce characters of various nationalities and focus on each of their stories, which are presented using age-appropriate vocabulary and content to motivate students to directly study and use Korean.

The end of each lesson includes a separate “Culture” section, in which students are presented with Korean proverbs and other stories written in an authentic voice that matches their current language proficiency. In addition, through self-practice exercises and group activities, learner-centered instruction and learning is possible.  

Book Series
Price : KRW 9,000
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