Fast & Fun Korean for Short - Term Learners 1 (Japanese ver.) (楽しく学ぶ韓国語 1)
Author : Kang Seung-hae
Book page : 176 pages
Supplement : Free MP3 Download
About This Book

Designed with the short-term learner of Korean in mind, 「Fast & Fun Korean for Short-Term Learners」 is a 3-volume quick mastery textbook series that introduces everyday vocabulary and concrete situational dialogues practical for living in Korea.

The first volume of the series, 「Fast & Fun Korean for Short-Term Learners ①」, provides a solid framework from which even those who have no previous experience with the language can learn basic Korean with minimal effort.

• Essential vocabulary, grammar patterns, and dialogues chosen based on their real-life usefulness.

• Comprehensive approach incorporating speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a variety of task exercises.

• Linked study and review process of Warming up – Pattern Practice – Key Grammatical Patterns – Conversation Practice – Tasks, allowing learners to proceed through the text with ease.

• Includes various illustrations and photos for quick and easy understanding of the content.

• Emphasis on developing in a short period of time the learner’s Korean communication ability for real situations, much like training a short-distance sprint runner as opposed to a marathon runner.  

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Price : KRW 15,000
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