Complete Guide to the TOPIK_Basic (English ver.)
Author : Seoul Korean Language Academy
Book page : 200 pages
Supplement : 2 Audio CDs
About This Book

'Complete Guide to the TOPIK Basic' aims to be a perfect preparation book for the TOPIK tests for the basic level, which is, a proper standardization of Korean language principles. This book is focused on understanding of the TOPIK through sections divided by question type and includes in-depth explanations of questions from previous TOPIK tests. The book consists of Part 1, 2, and 3 in the order of expression (vocabulary & grammar, writing) and comprehension (listening and reading) according to the question types on the TOPIK. Thus, the learners can prepare for the TOPIK effectively by comprehending of the TOPIK through sections divided by question type and taking the mock tests of it. 

• Based on an extensive know-how of teaching Korean to foreigners, the explanatory notes foster students’ comprehension.

• Clearly distinguishes synonyms and similar grammar patterns difficult for foreigners to understand, eliminating incorrect usage in everyday life.

• In preparation for the TOPIK exam, mock TOPIK tests allow students to gauge their true proficiency in Korean.

• Questions are divided into four sections: speaking, listening, writing, and reading, allowing students to pinpoint and focus on their weak points.  

Book Series
Price : KRW 16,000
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