Fast & Fun Korean for Short - Term Learners 3 (Japanese ver.) (楽しく学ぶ韓国語 3)
Author : Kang, Seung Hae
Book page : 192 pages
Supplement : Free MP3 Download
About This Book

The Fast & Fun Korean for Short-Term Learners, Volumes 1~3, comprise a set of study materials for short-term language study as well as language and cultural programs. The series provides everyday dialogues, conversation practice, and exercises spanning a variety of situations centering on the expressions, vocabulary, and grammatical structures most necessary for enjoying a short-term stay in Korea so that learners can use the language effectively.

Picking up where Volume 2 left off, Fast and Fun Korean for Short-Term Learners Volume 3 was designed and structured with the following basic principles in mind.

First, this volume is designed to be used primarily in programs for adult learners of Korean currently residing short-term in Korea, and for learners residing abroad who are learning Korean through university programs that meet for 3 to 4 hours per week for 12 to 15 weeks, rather than for learners in intensive programs of around 200 hours per level.

Second, each unit centers on a situation-based syllabus for learning; specifically, the units introduce a variety of situations that short-term learners of Korean will likely encounter while living in Korea.

Third, in order to focus on practical expressions that are encountered often in real life and are in tune with the interests of learners, vocabulary and expressions useful in daily Korean life were chosen and woven throughout the text.

Fourth, in terms of Korean proficiency level, mindful of maintaining an intermediate level just prior to an advanced level, this volume puts an emphasis on reinforcing vocabulary. The ‘Vocabulary Expansion’ corner, for example, is designed to help learners become more familiar with Sino-Korean vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.

Fifth, in place of a separate corner for cultural content, this volume includes aspects of Korean culture that are encountered when living in Korea in the dialogues and reading sections so that learners can be exposed to Korean culture in a natural way. This also allows short-term learners to study Korean more efficiently given their time constraints.  

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Price : KRW 16,000
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