Intensive Course for TOPIK I Success Practice Test
Author : Jeon Na Young, Son Sung Hee
Book page : 248 pages
Supplement : Downloadable Mp3 files
About This Book

• This book is a textbook for learners who want to take the Test of Proficiency in Korean TOPIK Ⅰ and consists of 5 practice tests.

• Learning methods for listening and reading tests are presented, and the types of questions by area are summarized. In addition, example questions and explanations are presented together so that the flow of the test can be checked at once.

• Five practice tests are included in accordance with the difficulty and composition similar to the actual TOPIK test so that learners can improve their actual test sense.

• It provides explanation for each question so that you can grasp the core of the question, so that learners can fully understand the question.

• Practice filling out the OMR answer sheet you would in a real exam.  

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